Paul Brockmeyer is one lucky dude.

Paul is a software developer/designer living in California.

  • Years 1-18: He grew up in a super small town in rural Missouri as the oldest kid in a big, happy family.
  • Years 18-32: He moved up to Chicago to learn more about mathematics, then stayed and started a software company.
  • Years 32-40: He got hitched to a wonderful school teacher and moved to Saint Louis to start a family. They rehabbed a huge, old spider-infested house, started a nonprofit database of schools and a crime notification service and enjoyed raising their kids close to family.
  • Years 40-?: They moved across the country to a small, coastal town to increase their exposure to earthquakes, wildfires, and sharks.

Paul loves forcing his kids to do outdoorsy things and gets excited thinking about neuroscience & human memory, civic hacking, and project-based learning. He gets depressed thinking about the tyranny of merit and the world's general lack of moral humility. His ultimate goal was to make some dough early in life so that he could wander around doing interesting things that benefit humanity. Time, however, is running out and Paul Brockmeyer is easily distracted.

Please reach out and remind him that personal websites are so 1998, and that writing about yourself in third-person is insufferably lame.